Barker Memorials & Monuments

At Barker Memorials & Monuments, we are dedicated to helping families choose a memorial to honor the story of their loved ones.

We provide a wide selection of memorial products & design elements to create a special remembrance, whether your vision is classic/ traditional or a unique &personal monument at an excellent value.

Products we offer a wide variety of design options and embellishments, including military, &religious, included in memorial price.

Bronze Companion & Individual Markers w/ options for vases in the marker

VA Matching Markers

Ceramic Portraits

Wide color options available for all granite products including

Companion & Individual Flat Markers

Slant & Pillows

Upright Monuments


Cremation Memorials

Pet Memorials

Additional options include:

Ceramic Steel, Laser or Hand Etched art & portraits

Granite Inlay

Glass Inlay

Services Offered:

Memorial Setting / Installation

On Site Final Date Inscription;

On-site inscriptions is very weather dependent. Temperatures of 55 degrees and dry conditions. This is not a service available year-round.